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- This unit is out of supply, and so cannot be moved
- You can only move units which have been Sea Transported
- Select one an Exploiting armor unit
- That armor unit has no further Exploitation Movement capability
- That Breakthrough armor unit is invalid to exploit
- Select an ARMOR unit
- You must select a ground or air unit
- Replacements can be moved only by SR
- This unit has moved its maximum and has displaced an enemy unit
- This unit has moved and has displaced an enemy unit
- Unit must end its move in a marked port
- Anglo-French restriction prohibits this move; Select another hex
- Russo-Allied Restriction: Move Aborted
- That is not a friendly hex
- Air stacking limit prohibits this move; Select another destination hex
- Airbase is too far away
- You must Select hex that was friendly-controlled at the start of the turn
- British units may not stack with French units. Choose another hex
- French units may not stack with British units. Choose another hex
- Russian units may not stack with allied units. Choose another hex
- Minor-Ally restriction prevents movement
- Minor-neutral units may not leave their country
- Pass option prevents movement into enemy territory
- Pass option prevents movement to/from adjacent to enemy ground unit
- Germany may not enter into Bessarabian hexes unil at war with Russia
- The unit lacks sufficient movement points to make this move
- Unit must end its move in a valid port
- This Naval unit has been used for Sea Escort
- You cannot SR this country's units
- SR to/from adjacent to enemy ground unit is prohibited.
- You cannot SR this fleet, it has acted this turn
- That unit is out of supply and may not be SRed
- You do not meet the requirements to SR to this front
- Germany can only supply up to 18 factors in Africa. Choose another hex
- Anglo-French restriction prevents this SR. Choose another hex
- You do not have enough sr's to move through the Suez
- Air stacking limit prohibits this move; Select another destination hex
- You may only use SR to restore the Russian Garrison
- You can only SR to friendly ground. Choose another hex.
- You cannot SR with enemy ground adjacent
- You cannot SR adjacent to enemy supply path. Choose another hex.
- Cannot trace a free path choose another destination
- Cannot place more than one airbase on a hex.
- This SR violates Minor Ally Restrictions
- You must choose a fleet for sea escort
- You cannot overstack
- Air stacking limit prohibits this move; Select another destination hex
- Choose a port on the same front
- You cannot SR into a hex adjacent to an enemy unit
- Choose a valid hex for Initial Deployment
- That is not an airbase
- France cannot grant BRPs prior to 1942
- You may not spend more than half of your yearly brp allotment on grants
- The U.S.S.R. cannot Grant BRPS' Select another flag or press Done
- You may not grant to a country that has granted to you
- No more than 40 BRPs allowed in Lend Lease Box
- Choose a friendly port
- You must select a U.S. fleet in the U.S. Box
- You must select a British fleet in Britain, or press Done to abort the Grant
- Select a 9-factor fleet for Sea Escort
- Choose a port
- Choose a port on the same front
- You must select a German Port
- That is not an eligible port hex
- Choose a valid German hex to move trapped Murmansk Red-Outlined Naval Unit
- You must select a Hex in Germany
- That is not an eligible airbase
- You may only move back to Norway
- You may only return to a German Controlled Hex
- You may not base there (Stacking Limits)
- You may only move german units
- You may not move units if Bergen is not controlled buy the Axis
- You may only move German units from Norway
- You may only move German air and navies
- This unit has acted
- U.S. based fleet cannot perform mission
- French Naval Units may not perform missions
- U.S. based fleets cannot Sea Transport unless there is no western front Port to Sr
- This nation did not choose an Offensive option for this Front
- Choose a hex on the same front
- Choose a port on the same front
- Russo-Allied Cooperation prevents mission, choose another destination
- Anglo-French Cooperation prevents mission, choose another destination
- That is not a friendly port
- You must select a hex not taken this turn
- Select a legally invadeable hex
- The enemy 9-factor fleet in this hex cannot be displaced and bars Seaborne Invasion
- The fleet you Select must be from the same port as the previously Selected fleet
- Select a ground or air unit to transport
- This move violates minor ally restrictions
- A Minor unit may not leave its country
- Air unit has moved or acted and may not be transported
- Air Stacking Limits: Choose another counter
- There are not enough fleet factors in the convoy to carry this unit
- Cannot board due to movement costs
- Ground stacking limit prohibits this move
- This hex cannot be Selected for Attrition-Combat advance
- Choose an adjacent hex
- Enemy may not be in hex to retreat to
- You may not retreat into a marked hex
- You may only retreat to a hex in your own nation
- Not a valid retreat hex. Choose another
- Choose a valid unit to advance
- No advance allowed. Stacking Limits
- This unit is out of supply, and so cannot advance
- Anglo-French Cooperation prohibits this move; Select another destination
- Minor units cannot advance beyond their borders
- No fleets available
- You must choose a valid Port
- One French unit must be able to exploit into Paris before 1-4 or 1-3 attack can be made
- Attacking French Units must have a 1-2 attack on Paris
- Any French attack not on Paris must result in a possible exploitation into Paris
- Armor must attack at 1-2 for an exploitation to occur
- You may only choose a hex at war with the the Phasing-Player
- No units Eligible to attack this hex!
- Cannot attack empty hex in exploitation phase
- This hex has already been attacked; Select another hex
- Choose a unit at war with the attacked hex
- Unit cannot attack without Offensive option; Select another unit.
- Select a ground unit
- Replacement Counters may not attack
- Select an Exploiting armor unit to attack with
- A Seaborne-Invasion unit cannot attack an adjacent hex during Normal Combat
- Infantry cannot attack a vacant hex.
- Russo-Allied Cooperation Restriction prevents unit from attacking
- Choose an adjacent hex
- That unit cannot reach target, choose another
- This unit has already attacked; Select another
- This is a Breakthrough unit, and cannot be used until Exploitation
- Two ground units are already attacking from this hex
- Select a red outlined unit to advance, or press Done
- An Airdropped unit cannot advance after combat
- Infantry may not advance into an empty hex
- This unit is out of supply, and so cannot advance
- Breakthrough armor cannot break the hex chain by moving 3 hexes
- Anglo-French restriction prohibits this advance
- Russo-Allied restriction prohibits this advance
- Choose a valid armor unit for breakthrough
- Anglo-French restriction prohibits this Exploitation move
- Russo-Allied restriction prohibits this Exploitation move
- This is not your counter to destroy!
- An airbase cannot be voluntarily destroyed
- A bridgehead cannot be voluntarily destroyed
- You cannot voluntarily destroy French units prior to 1942
- A minor-country unit cannot be voluntarily destroyed
- France must Pass on the Eastern and Mediterranean fronts
- France may only Pass or use an Offensive Option on the Western Front
- You must choose the same offensive or attrition option as your allies
- Germany may not use offensive option in the east (Severe Winter)
- Germany must choose an Offensive option for the Eastern Front
- Germany cannot Pass on the Eastern Front while at war with Poland
- Not enough BRPS. Remove some offensive options
- Spending Limit exceeded; remove an Offensive option
- Must Declare an offensive option on
- France may not make any Declarations of War
- Switzerland cannot be DoWed
- This is not a legal DoW
- You may not Declare war on the Baltic States until 1940
- You may not Declare war on the East Europe until 1940
- You cannot declare war on the United States until Spring 1942
- That minor country is already at war
- This is not a legal DoW
- You may not declare war on a country that is at war with a potential ally
- One 2-3 infantry unit must be set up in Morocco, Tunisia or Algeria
- One 2-3 infantry unit must be set up in Lebanon-Syria
- One infantry and one 1-4 air unit must be set up in Malta
- Two fleets and one 1-4 air unit must be setup in Gibraltar
- One 1-3 infantry unit must be setup in Palestine
- One 1-3 infantry and one 2-5 armor unit must be setup in Egypt
- One fleet and two 1-4 air units must be setup in Egypt
- One 2-3 infantry unit must be setup in Leningrad
- One 3-5 armor unit must be setup in Moscow
- One 1-3 infantry unit must be setup in Odessa, Kharkov and Grozny
- One 1-3 infantry unit must be setup in Albania
- Two 1-3 infantry units must be setup in Libya
- Restriction: 20 Combat Factors must be placed on Eastern Front
- Restriction: Only 20 Factors may be placed in minor ally area
- Restriction: Only 5 Factors may be placed in Finland
- Germany may not declare war on a garrisoned minor
- Russia may only declare war on bordering countries
- Russia may not declare war before fall 1941
- Russia may not declare war on a garrisoned minor
- Not enough BRPS to declare war
- BRP spending limit reached. War was not declared.
- Select a naval or air unit
- You may only choose units at war with the Axis
- You may only choose units at war with the Allies
- This unit has performed a mission
- Select a friendly occupied hex
- Select an enemy occupied hex
- Anglo-French restriction prohibits this Mission: Select another destination
- You may only conduct missions against an invading country
- Offensive option not selected on this front
- Russo-Allied Cooperation prevents mission, choose another destination
- That hex is beyond the air-unit's 4 hex range
- You may only intercept a DAS air mission
- French air may only counterair German Air Support for Paris
- That is not a naval unit
- This fleet has already moved
- Pass option prevents fleet movement
- This unit has already moved.
- Six ground factors must setup in and/or adjacent to Leningrad and Moscow
- Restriction: One Infantry unit must be setup in Libya
- This unit cannot be used during the same Game Turn it was built
- You cannot SR this country's units
- You can only deploy 6 units from the U.S. Box per player turn
- That is not a naval unit.
- Choose a PORT!
- Not enough room at this port. Choose another
- Enemy air within 4 hexes, not a valid port.
- Pass option prevents fleet movement
- The destination port must be on the same Front as the fleet
- That is not a friendly port
- Anglo-French Cooperation prevents move, choose another port.
- Fleet move aborted
- You must own both sides of the crossing arrow for movement through
- You may not pass within 4 hexes of enemy air
- You cannot move to that Front